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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Clean reinstall OS on TI-89

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Posted: 26 Feb 2004
15:15 GMT
Total Posts: 1
How can I install a new OS on my calculator so that there is no more data on it except for essential OS data? I'm trying to install DukeNukem68k and it needs a lot of memory

How can I install files (like the game files from Duke Nukem 68k) onto my ROM so that I have more RAM left over to play game?

Sometimes when installing programs I get the message that the files I'm copying over is already on the calculator. This is because there are two files named sayd file1.xy and file1.yz and it thinks their the same thing or somthing.

Any help is very welcome, I love this site !!! :)
Posted: 26 Feb 2004
16:19 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
you shouldn't need to reinstall your OS for that. either way, OS will take some ram and leave you with around 195k left (that's about its max after a full memory reset).
anyway, try to reset ALL of your memory (if needed take out batteries and the lithium backup batter too). also, be careful as to what kernel/shell you install. some shells use TSR and take up extra memory. anyway, i used to run Duke on my HW2 89 AMS 2.05 w/t any memory problems. like i said, you may just need to reset your memory.
oh, make sure you archive your games. you can do that in var-link menu and then F1 tab to get file options (i think archive is option 8 there).

btw, thanks for the comment :).

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 27 Feb 2004
04:48 GMT
Total Posts: 958
well you can also press 2nd and 6 i think and then do an erase.

Make sure after you send it you archive it (2nd and minus, make sure programs have astericks)

the file1.89z and file.89y are NECESSARY, one is for launching some .ppg stuff, and the other one contains all the data. Alternatively, you could install TICT-Explorer, and then you only need the .89z file.
Posted: 27 Feb 2004
09:35 GMT
Total Posts: 623
[2nd]+[6] will take you to the memory menu. There's an option menu that you can reset the RAM, Archive, or the entire memory.

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