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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Sprites

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Posted: 24 Feb 2004
13:12 GMT
Total Posts: 134
Lately, I've been reading about sprites. All I seem to have discovered, though, is that they are little things on the screen that move fast. How do you generate or make sprites? Also, what are sprite routines?
Ray Kremer
Posted: 24 Feb 2004
13:33 GMT
Total Posts: 310
I don't program that sort of thing, but from what I gather, a sprite encodes everything you need to make a single character move around. For instance, the Mario sprite would have Mario standing still, all the frames used in Mario running, and Mario jumping. The Link sprite would have the frames used in making Link walk up, down, and sideways, as well as swinging his sword in those three directions. All the bad-guy critters are also sprites. Then when you lay out the game screen, you just drop critter sprites where you want the critters to appear when the player walks in.
Posted: 27 Feb 2004
11:14 GMT
Total Posts: 1
Just think of sprites as little pics. The good part about sprites are that they are smaller and you can move them around the screen unlike pics.
Posted: 28 Feb 2004
00:17 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Actually, once you get more advance, pics can be easily moved around the screen, they merely need a buffer to draw in. But it's called a background.

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