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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Tetris Hack

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Posted: 30 Apr 2004
13:59 GMT
Total Posts: 134
At my school, I used to be the best Tetris player. People were amazed by my 25,000 scores. Recently, one of my friends has topped my score by more than 10,000. In an attempt for revenge, I tried to hack the program and replace his name with mine. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Rather, it has created a program that is virtually unplayable but has hundreds of choices to choose from in the "Height" category. I've seen about 30 different letter A's and various other characters. Does anyone have an idea how I could successfully hack this program or tell me how to exit the game without it clearing my RAM?

When I try to rotate the pieces, they change into different shapes. I actually managed to not get the program to self-destruct, but it keeps taking me to level 25.

[Edited by PhilosopherEd on 30-Apr-04 23:42]
Posted: 1 May 2004
01:10 GMT
Total Posts: 958
lol, that's pretty funny, i think that's rather lame if your trying to cheat to beat a friend.

i personally have a pretty quick time on Tetris for the 89.;Readme.txt See fastest 50 line times, I'm jason lo (see profile if you don't believe me, i'm not like calcfreak where i have a black and white truck simultaneously of dfferent brands:). But 25,000 really isn't that high in ztetris.
Posted: 1 May 2004
05:02 GMT
Total Posts: 134
from reading that file, i believe the ztetris is different than the one on ti-83+. on my version, you can't get more than 60,000-something.
Posted: 2 May 2004
00:13 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I was just pointing out to the time's as an example of highscore, I wasn't comparing scores earned in that version of Tetris 89 (no, not all calculator tetris versions are called ztetris).

But 25,000 still isn't super high in ztetris.

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