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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ please help me

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Posted: 28 Sep 2004
16:31 GMT
Total Posts: 3
ok, well i just got my calc., its a ti-83+, and am able to put games on it from the net, but what is the differenc between ram space and archive space, becaue ive got all my ram full and there is sooo much archive space left over, will you help me, (ty, junior in high schooo, integ3 alg.2/ ap trig)
Posted: 28 Sep 2004
16:40 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
RAM is where you stuff is put to have the calculators OS to read it.

Archive (EEPROM, or "Flash Memory") is a storage place, simply put, and it has alot of space.

To archive stuff, goto your memory menu, and press enter to archive and unarchive stuff. Or better yet, read your manual, the part on
"memory", it explains best, I think.

And BTW: There is no AP least, no offical AP class called trig.
Posted: 29 Sep 2004
07:33 GMT
Total Posts: 3
thanks, after making that post i was messing around with my calc and figured it out,

one more question, ive written a program to solve linear equations, and am now working on a program that will solve an equation like this
f(x)=2xsquared+(4-x)squared x=(3) (-8) (14)

that is just an example of and equation im trying to write a pro. for
i know that im giong to have to prompt or input the equation first, then prompt the x values, but sometimes there are more or less x values,and all of the equations vary in lenght, some longer some shorter. how would i write this program, ive tried many times and failed. please help me again

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