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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ mistery RPG

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Posted: 30 Mar 2005
18:04 GMT
Total Posts: 2
there was an RPG that i had put onto my calculator (ti 84 plus) that i forgot he name of... if u can think of the game through my descirpition.. let me know..

i played it through osme kind of a shell, even though i think it was a basic game... it was not text based, the character was actually displayed full time, in and out of battle. The game starts out in a dungeon, fighiting multiple monsters. The fighting style is based on something o about four commands including a normal action, some kind of balst, a defend, and item.. after a while leveling up occured.....

i really though it was curse of teh dragon but that doesnt seem familiar at all...
Posted: 30 Mar 2005
19:18 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Sounds like it could be one of Kevin Oulette's RPG's (Reign of Legends perhaps?). Check out his author page, maybe you'll see what you're looking for.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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