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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ 84+ ROM Dumping

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Posted: 17 May 2005
13:35 GMT
Total Posts: 3
I cant for the life of me find a program that will preform a ROM dump with my Ti-84+. I tried romdump2 with the 83+ setup, and my calc wont run the program. Can anyone point me to a program that will dump my 84+? and an emulator for that matter. I havnt seen an emulator that will do 84's either.
Posted: 17 May 2005
13:54 GMT
Total Posts: 939
Try using TiLP to dump the ROM, and TiLem as the emulator. I'm not sure how well any of that works yet...
Posted: 17 May 2005
13:57 GMT
Total Posts: 3
Thanks, I'll try those right now.
Posted: 17 May 2005
19:13 GMT
Total Posts: 3
TiLP keeps giving me configuration errors and shtuph... thanks anyways.

[Edited by HerLoss on 18-May-05 04:48]
Posted: 22 May 2005
12:42 GMT
Total Posts: 1
i need some help. i have some of the games downloaded into my computer and im trying to transfer some of them in my tI84+ but only 2 went into my program area and i cant log into the games. the others are saying that my memory is either inacceptable or incompatable. i was wondering if there is a way to load to ti83+ into a tI84+.
Ray Kremer
Posted: 23 May 2005
11:32 GMT
Total Posts: 310
Yes, 83(+) files can be loaded onto the 84+.

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