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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ How do I put Games on MY calculator? PLZ HElp

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Posted: 7 Dec 2005
13:32 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I Got a TI-83plus. I have some games that i got from my friends through a link but how do i get games from the computer onto my calculator. Tell me exactly all the programs i need. And wat is the best game for the TI-83.
Posted: 7 Dec 2005
14:45 GMT
Total Posts: 97
If you have a TI-83+ or TI-83, you probably need to purchase a "Connectivity Kit" from Texas Instruments:

Once you purchase this kit (the kit is actually included with the purchase of TI-84 Plus SE & TI-89 Titanium), you install the driver software, hook the cable up to your calculator and computer, and from there, it's relatively self-explanatory. :)

[Edited by stephendonnelly88 on 07-Dec-05 23:46]
Posted: 8 Dec 2005
15:05 GMT
Total Posts: 235
>>>>If you have a TI-83+ or TI-83, you probably need to purchase a "Connectivity Kit" from Texas Instruments:<<<<

You mean TI-Connect?
If you have the TI 84 + SE here is the TI-Connect File (I don't care if i'm not supposed to host it on my own website)

Here's Mirage (needed for most games)

Here's graph link (i use only for editing prgms)

Your question has been addressed here, in our FAQ.

edit/Andy: You might not care about hosting TI's files yourself, but TI does as do we. Replaced links to the executables with the links to the download pages on TI's site. Also replace MirageOS's link as well. Does Dan know you're hosting a mirror? You should check with him first. Also, it's a good idea to link to it here so it has download count tracking.

[Edited by Andy on 09-Dec-05 02:01]

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