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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Helped guy on AIM..logged off..

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Posted: 16 Dec 2005
13:45 GMT
Total Posts: 235
So i was helping this guy on AIM then before i finished helping him he just logged off there is nothing wrong with this but I may not be online when he need's help again so if you are zero81707 email me at and we can set up a time that i can finish helping you!

zero81707: i'm new on the calc forum

CoffmanRunner: oh hello

CoffmanRunner: how can i help you

zero81707: yea i have been having a problem with certain games

CoffmanRunner: what is the game name?

zero81707: age of darkness, final fantasy, mario

CoffmanRunner: ok do you have Mirage?

zero81707: yep

CoffmanRunner: ok do you know how to get to mirage?

zero81707: most games work but these i get errors with

zero81707: yea

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: i've got phoenix and lotus racing

CoffmanRunner: let me get you the newest version of mario hold on
zero81707: k

go here and it should auto. start to download

zero81707: ok

zero81707: what do i do when i get the errors: syntax and variables

CoffmanRunner: ok did you download it to your calc yet?

zero81707: not yet

zero81707: i'll do it now

CoffmanRunner: it may just be you got a bad copy (before)

CoffmanRunner: ok good

zero81707: do i need the medit?

CoffmanRunner: Age of Darkness I
Age of Darkness 2: The Return of Karadas
Age Of Darkness
Age of Darkness: Revenge
which one do you want

CoffmanRunner: do i need the medit?
only if you want to make your own levels (i use it)

zero81707: i copied all the files to be transferred to the calc and there are 2 files that say incompatible type

CoffmanRunner: hold on do you want to direct connect i will send you all the files i have for mario?

zero81707 wants to directly connect.

zero81707 is now directly connected.

CoffmanRunner: hold on

zero81707: what do i do about the 2 incompatible files

CoffmanRunner: i am uploading them to my comp

CoffmanRunner: just stop the download to ur calc

zero81707: k

CoffmanRunner: there is the main world for mario...
and here is the mario program

CoffmanRunner: right click them and select open "XXX.8xp"
XXX= prgm name

CoffmanRunner: no wait choose save file

CoffmanRunner: sorry

CoffmanRunner: got it?

zero81707: yes

CoffmanRunner: wait do you have a ti89?

zero81707: no

zero81707: i have a 84+/se

CoffmanRunner: ok good

CoffmanRunner: some one on the forum with a name like urs was talking about a TI 89

zero81707: nope that wasn't me

CoffmanRunner: ok good

zero81707: k i'm sending them now

CoffmanRunner: good if this works we can do the same thing for the other files (for other games)

zero81707: awesome

zero81707: do i unarchive them now?

CoffmanRunner: no

CoffmanRunner: mirage will unarchive them thhen when you are finished it will re achive them ")

CoffmanRunner: :-)*

zero81707: so it should be in mirage?

CoffmanRunner: yes [apps] scroll down to mirage then open the main folder and it should be there

zero81707: it works but the screen is all messed up

CoffmanRunner: is it at a diagonal slope up?

zero81707: yea

CoffmanRunner: hold on

zero81707: k

zero81707: dude thanks for helping me, i can finally play games!! woot

CoffmanRunner: no problem that's what i'm here for!

zero81707: you know why the screen does that?

CoffmanRunner: i think i do iread it in the mirage manual i am scaning it (reading it ) right now hold on i'm almost done

zero81707: ok
zero81707 direct connection is closed.

CoffmanRunner: found it bad news :-(:
i, I know a number of people are having display problems using various assembly programs on the new calculators. I'm working to try to fix the issue in MirageOS, and I've contacted TI and they're looking into it, but I need the following information from anyone who's having LCD issues:

CoffmanRunner: looks like it is a "bug" and it is not only you my
firend had this problem with his calc too!

zero81707: it's just that game though right?

CoffmanRunner: has* (he still has the problem)

CoffmanRunner: well it may happen in other games too

zero81707: dang

CoffmanRunner: do you want me to get thoose other games still?

zero81707: i would like that alot

zero81707: lol

CoffmanRunner: ok hold on

zero81707: more games the better

CoffmanRunner: Age of Darkness I
Age of Darkness 2: The Return of Karadas
Age Of Darkness
Age of Darkness: Revenge
which one do you want

zero81707: lets go with aod2

zero81707: is that a mirage game?

CoffmanRunner: ok hold on let me download it and test it!

zero81707: sweet

zero81707: thanks alot man, alot of people wouldn't do this

CoffmanRunner: yea well i had exrta time and i would hate it if someone didn't help me

zero81707: i know what thats like

CoffmanRunner: also i almost logged off before i knew you were from the forum cause i am working on my website and it thought it was just some idiot (no offence) from school tring to be annoying

zero81707: lol

zero81707: i've had people do that to me before, they were annoying so i blocked them

CoffmanRunner: yea but now people can make a new account on AIM in seconds!

zero81707: i asked "who's this" and they said"well i asked you first" so i was like screw this and blocked them

CoffmanRunner: ok i am sending the game to my calc now then i will test it!

CoffmanRunner: sent! now to test...

zero81707: sweet

CoffmanRunner: ok it works i find it a bit slow while in combat but o well also it IS NOT A MIRAGE prgm it is BASIC so you run it by... [prgm] AAOD2

CoffmanRunner: do you know how to ungroup a file on your calc?

zero81707: no

CoffmanRunner: ok i will walk you though it after you have the file on
your calc

zero81707: ok

CoffmanRunner wants to directly connect.

CoffmanRunner: please accept

zero81707 is now directly connected.

zero81707: sorry

CoffmanRunner: no problem send this ENTIRE file to your calc

zero81707: k

zero81707: is it going to be archived?

CoffmanRunner: it is a little different then the last file but if will be fine

CoffmanRunner: is it going to be archived? yes

CoffmanRunner: tell me when you get it on your calc

zero81707: do i need to extract it first

CoffmanRunner: no just send the whole file to your calc

zero81707: ok, one sec

CoffmanRunner: i am going to send you the readme in case you have any IN-game questions like how do it buy things...

zero81707 signed off at 4:39:42 PM.

zero81707 direct connection is closed.

CoffmanRunner: hello?

o well


[Edited by CoffmanRunner on 16-Dec-05 22:47]

Never gonna let you down...
TI Freak
Posted: 16 Dec 2005
13:55 GMT
Total Posts:

Yeah, the person emailed me about AOD... I already assisted in that problem...
Posted: 16 Dec 2005
14:15 GMT
Total Posts: 235
well i am on AIM right now with him the AOD didn't owrk for him and it is kinda hard to fix prgms over AIM for the calc o well i am slowly making prgress

Edit: the rest of the story...

zero81707 signed on at 4:46:26 PM.

zero81707: sorry about that

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: aim cut out and had to restart

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: k i have it on my calc

CoffmanRunner: ok hold on one sec

zero81707: sure

CoffmanRunner: ok i'm back

CoffmanRunner: click [2nd] [+]

zero81707: k

CoffmanRunner: there should be a menu up with a title of MEMORY

CoffmanRunner: is there?

zero81707: mem/management?

CoffmanRunner: yea

zero81707: yea

CoffmanRunner: ok now go UP one there should be something named 8:Group

CoffmanRunner: right?

zero81707: yep

CoffmanRunner: click it

zero81707: done

CoffmanRunner: now got on to the right -> at the top UNGROUP should be highlighted

CoffmanRunner: are you ther?

zero81707: no, do i go back?

CoffmanRunner: wait does the screen say?

zero81707: i just clicked 8 group

CoffmanRunner: then...

zero81707: it has the game in it

CoffmanRunner: there should be something named *AOD2V92 right

zero81707: yea

CoffmanRunner: ok good

CoffmanRunner: click it

CoffmanRunner: it will do some stuff that's ok!

zero81707: k i did it

CoffmanRunner: now go to your prgm menu and click AAOD2 (don't mess with the other prgm's cause they are
used to run the game)

CoffmanRunner: does it work?

zero81707: the title screen comes up and then i clicked play and it said er:archived

CoffmanRunner: hold on

zero81707: do you have time to do this?

CoffmanRunner: ok [2nd] [+] then press option 2

CoffmanRunner: yea

zero81707: i dont want to stop you from doing something

CoffmanRunner: then after you have pressed option 2 select option 1

zero81707: did it

CoffmanRunner: no problem

zero81707: done

CoffmanRunner: ok there should be a menu with lot's of files that all start with A right?

zero81707: yes

CoffmanRunner: ok scroll sown and tell me if any of these start with a * before the A

CoffmanRunner: down*

zero81707: no but i scrolled down and the one that says aod2v92 has a * in front of it

CoffmanRunner: don't worry i think i know what it is

CoffmanRunner: don't do ant thing

CoffmanRunner: any*

zero81707: k

CoffmanRunner: scroll down till when you see L1, L2, L3

zero81707: k

CoffmanRunner: now do any of them start with *

zero81707: no

CoffmanRunner: are you sure?

zero81707: yes

CoffmanRunner: ok hold on

CoffmanRunner: ok i have another idea go to the top of the menu and slowly scroll down and tell me when you
first see a * before a prgm

CoffmanRunner: still there?

zero81707: yea

CoffmanRunner: slowly scroll down and tell me when you first see a * before a prgm

zero81707: theres alot of them

CoffmanRunner: yes i know you see the * means it is archived so acctuly i need you to see if there is a *
before a: PicX, [X]

the x is a number after the picture the the second time i used i there will be a letter between A and J

zero81707: k

zero81707: ok i unarchived all those

CoffmanRunner: ok try the prgm now

CoffmanRunner: is it working?

zero81707: no

CoffmanRunner: shoot

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: it's like freezing

CoffmanRunner: wait

CoffmanRunner: what do you mean

zero81707: then i try to turn it off and it says err:break

CoffmanRunner: yes th ON button will stop any BASIC prgm

CoffmanRunner: where does it freeses

zero81707: right after i click play

zero81707: lets just try a different game

CoffmanRunner: ok sorry i coudn't help you on this one!

zero81707: it's ok

zero81707: i think i should just reset my ram, and just get mirage again

zero81707: shouldn't take long

zero81707: that cool?

CoffmanRunner: ok good idea

CoffmanRunner: all those extra prgm are a pain

zero81707: give me a sec

CoffmanRunner: now what game do you want now so i can get started

zero81707: i'm going to get mirage and phoenix

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: i would like to try final fanstasy

CoffmanRunner: ok i will look for it

zero81707: and the reign of legends 3 game

CoffmanRunner: ok i will start looking

zero81707: as long as they can be archived

CoffmanRunner: ok

CoffmanRunner: so only mirage files?

zero81707: yea

zero81707: for now

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: i've got 24317 ram

CoffmanRunner: ok good

zero81707: 1540k archive

zero81707: lol

CoffmanRunner: look like Final Fanticy <- spelled wrong is BASIC you still want?

zero81707: na

CoffmanRunner: ok i am looking for reign of legends 3

zero81707: want to save as much ram as possible

CoffmanRunner: ok

zero81707: i have mirage now

CoffmanRunner: The Reign of Legends 3 is also BASIC do you want me to send you the Mirage games i have They are:
DStar <- stratagy game

CoffmanRunner: whew! ok just copy and paste the games you want! and send me the list that you want

zero81707: k

zero81707: i'll take breakout

CoffmanRunner: that's it? how about i send you all of them in a .zip file and you can pick and choose? sorry
i have to go soon!

zero81707: oh ok

zero81707: well i found one here i want


zero81707: wolfenstein at the bottom

CoffmanRunner: I would like to help you but all i can do it sned you my games nad wolfenstien i have to go but later if i'm on and you need
help just ask me for it I don't mind helping you it's ok! that is what i am here for! don't feal bad

CoffmanRunner wants to directly connect.

zero81707 is now directly connected.

zero81707: ok

zero81707: i just dont want to take up all your time

zero81707: but i have learned some

CoffmanRunner: here they are sorry i cant do more gtg bye (don't owrry about taking up my time!!! i am here for people like you TO HELP! you don't feel bad at alll!

CoffmanRunner: gtg sorry i could help more!

zero81707: thats fine, thanks for everything! later

[Edited by CoffmanRunner on 17-Dec-05 12:26]

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
12:22 GMT
Total Posts: 1189
Yeah, he IMd me to, but he stopped talking and I closed the window.

Someone call for an exterminator?
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
16:57 GMT
Total Posts: 939
I don't help people via IM or email. If they IM me, I close the window. If they persist, I block them. If they email me, I promptly delete it.
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
17:13 GMT
Total Posts: 235
o well i had extra time (3hrs)

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 18 Dec 2005
15:26 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
I only help via email sometimes. I don't have time for IM chat...we do this for free out our free will afterall.

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