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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ games

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Posted: 20 Oct 2006
04:56 GMT
Total Posts: 2
whenevr i put try to put games on my TI84 SE they won't work cuz on the "transfer file" screen it has a list of items that say "incompatable" next to do i fix this?
Posted: 20 Oct 2006
07:23 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Hi Zac,
Send only the .8xp files to your calculator. I know when I first started out i had this problem and got confused with the .Z80 files. Dont worry about them.

<<faq 3>>

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 20 Oct 2006
09:36 GMT
Total Posts: 2
ok is that in the Zip folder after i download the file to my computer? if so then do i just highlite it, clik FILE and TRANSFER TO TI DEVICE?

[Edited by zac on 20-Oct-06 18:43]
Posted: 20 Oct 2006
12:51 GMT
Total Posts: 714
yes it is in the zip folder but you first have to unzip it. Go to file then unzip. then after that do what you said above

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 2 Nov 2006
13:03 GMT
Total Posts: 14
someone changed my password on my ti-84+.I had no games so i don't know why he did it. Can anyone help me?
TI Freak
Posted: 2 Nov 2006
13:10 GMT
Total Posts:

Umm... Start the calc, at the password screen, pull the batteries. Note, this SHOULD reset everything, so I hope you do not have anything important on that calculator...
Posted: 2 Nov 2006
13:21 GMT
Total Posts: 14
i did what you said pull the batteries at the password screen. It didn't work, but thanks anyway. I think i remember a way to reset it.
Posted: 2 Nov 2006
14:16 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Make shure you pull all the bateries out and remove the back up battery too. If that doesnt work, and this is if you are using MirageOS for the psswd, Delete the APPVAR MirageOS.
If you bloced the memory menu from acces then resend MirageOS to your calc and over write it.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 2 Nov 2006
14:23 GMT
Total Posts: 14
i downloaded another game called sudoku you may have heard of it. it is for my ti-84+. when i downloaded and transfered it to my calc and ran it on mirage os it worked. the game loaded. After the puzzle loaded it all of sudden cuts off. Does anyone know why? It returns to the OS main screen. then i press MODE to exit OS and it turns off. I press ON and ram clears. Can anyone explain this and why sudoku exits when it fully loads

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