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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Notepad

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Posted: 21 Dec 2006
09:00 GMT
Total Posts: 375
Ok, I have two questions about notepad

1. How come you can actually send a txt document (notepad file) to your calculator. When you do this, the calculator reads it as a Application Variable, is there any way to read the txt document from my calculator (if not, someone should make one)?

2. When you open up a basic program in notepad you get a bunch of giberish. I've created test programs and am starting to decode this so I can edit my programs on the computer. But, when I save the file and try to send it to my calculator, it comes up as a incompatible type, whats up with that?
Posted: 21 Dec 2006
12:04 GMT
Total Posts: 714
for your first question try using the notefolio app

to edit you BASIC prgms on your comp you need to have TI Graph link. It is like TI connect only for the 83. But it allwos the edditing of basic prgms. GO to TI's site and search for it. It is there it is just buried in their archives

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