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PongFree 2.7 (LJPFv2.7F)

File Information
Name: PongFree 2.7 (LJPFv2.7F)
File: PongFree
Filesize: 6 kB
Downloads: 1845
Date added: Jun 11, 2005
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Arcade
Last modified: Jun 14, 2005
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: None Required (But compatible w/ Mirage + Ion)
Rating: 10 (Best Download)/10 based on 1 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Lord_Jeremy

File Description:  
A fun Pong game, PongFree is fully featured and bug free! A TI - 83 version is on the way.
Important Features:
1) No Bugs!!!
2) Saveable games!
3) Stored highscores!
4) Two different modes of play!
5) Compatible with popular shells! (Ion, Mirage)
6) Constantly in development - any bugs discovered will be eliminated ASAP

Consult included readme for more info.

Unfortunatly, my TI link software disconnects when I try to take a screenshot during gameplay so no additional shots can be provided (for the moment).

Important Note:
Free Pong (the predicessor of PongFree) has a MAJOR bug that could wipe your calculator memory so if you have it installed it would be a good idea to delete it

ss     ss


Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: l33tmaster Reviewed on: August 19, 2005 at 19:42:27 PM
Graphics/Interface: 3/10 not much graphics really, just a T hitting a bunch of zeros
Playability/Usability: 4/10 okay, but pretty boring
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 2/10 you most likely won't want to replay, as the graphics are horrible. Oh, and it's really slow.
Controls/Interface: 10/10 Really easy controls
Overall Value: 2/10 sux. Don't download, even if you live for Pong.
I really like Pong. Until now. This seemed like a pretty okay program so I downloaded. But it sux! The ball you hit is a zero and the thing you hit stuff with is a T. C'mon people! my advice, dont download.

Author's Review (What I think my hard work is worth) :)
Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: Lord_Jeremy Reviewed on: July 05, 2005 at 04:27:02 PM
Graphics/Interface: 6/10 Uh, I mean: 2 - Can be Better
Playability/Usability: 7/10 Lots of features but slow engine :(
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 9/10 Many people I know find it slightly addictive
Controls/Interface: 8/10 EXTREMELY user-friendly
Overall Value: 7/10 Not bad for my first program
I am an honest person, and I know for sure that I could have done better with this game. I am also quite lazy so unless people send me some hate mail yelling at the slowness of the game or the messyness of the graphics I'm liable to sit on my tush and play games instead of working on them. I am currently trying to convert the interface and graphics to the Graph. I am quite experienced with BASIC but I am not good at implementing difficult things without a frame of reference or visual example (For example, the new menus I'm coding into the next release of PongFree are inspired by the menus used in AGRAPHICS - although the menus are extremely similar, I never once looked at the code of AGRAPHICS to figure out how to display them)
In my current (stable) developmental release (the copy of PongFree I am coding into), most of the dialog boxes and pretty much everything but the actual game-play uses the Graph. This means that to display text efficiently, I must first use a CLEARGRAPH command. In the current released version, the text is displayed with DISP commands so there is a scrolling effect. If you like the scrolling effect the way it is, then drop me a few KB at If you don't care if I remove the scrolling effect in favor of better graphics of the Graph instead of on the Homescreen, then you're in luck, for that is what I'm planning on implementing. Even so, you can still tell me what you want but emailing me at
Note: Please refrain from using the words "discount", "free", or "sale" in your emails, as your mail might be maked as Junk. It might be hard to exclude "free" as the name of the game I wish you to comment on is "PongFree". Not to worry, I check my Junk folder for mislabled emails every day.
Have fun with my crappy game!!!

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