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Punk Quest v. 1.1

File Information
Name: Punk Quest v. 1.1
Filesize: 5 kB
Downloads: 1232
Date added: May 7, 2005
Platform: TI-83/+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Text
Last modified: May 12, 2005
TI-83 BASIC Games
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-83/+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: None, but it works great on MirageOS
Rating: 5.3 (Tolerable)/10 based on 6 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): banjo2E

File Description:  Great BASIC text adventure game. Includes how to make your BASIC program impossible to edit and how to have it run on OS's.

UPDATE 1- 5/11/05

Now includes another file (PKOFHL) which is really a very short thing just for fun. It has also been optimized for OS's so it doesn't get glitchy. Version w/ lowercase coming soon.

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Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: banjo2E Reviewed on: May 12, 2005 at 22:40:58 PM
Graphics/Interface: 6/10 It's pretty early in my programming experience so it's not the best, but it's pretty good, considering what other people have for their first 3 or 4 attempts.
Playability/Usability: 8/10 Easy to play but I put in some stuff that really isn't necessary. I could've left it out and simplified the game. Actually, not a bad idea for another version...
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 4/10 Once you're done with it, it's not replayable because it's pretty quick to get to. However, it may take awhile to win due to my Roulette system...
Controls/Interface: 9/10 Seeing as this is the only interface I know of right now that's worth the trouble, it's great.
Overall Value: 8/10 You should download this
This is a game with a lot of menu options and humor but a very quick way through to the end once you've gotten there. It's simple but it really isn't too much worse than the JcCorp and Hick text adventures. Mine has to be played more times in order to get to the end due to my Roulette system which I incorporated twice into the game. My next game will have more of it so it'll be a real test of skill. At least, that's what I'm planning... ;)

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