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Infinite Madness (IFM)

File Information
Name: Infinite Madness (IFM)
Filesize: 2 kB
Downloads: 261
Date added: Apr 13, 2007
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Basic
File Type: Game
Category: Puzzle
Last modified: Apr 13, 2007
TI-83+/SE BASIC Games
TI-84+/SE BASIC Games

Shell: MirageOS
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Author(s): Adam Steinberger

File Description:  Infinite Madness
For TI-83, TI-83+/SE, TI-84+/SE
Designed and Programmed
by Adam Steinberger

To set up game, please ungroup IFM!

Infinite Madness is as it sounds -- it's one Mad game!
You start out with 1000 spaces to move, and you rarely
find that you get any of those 1000 spaces back. A dot
moves randomly on the screen and your objective as the
faithful square is to get that little dot to hit you
either on one of your edges or directly in the center.
Every step counts, so keep a good eye and only move when
absolutely necessary! Also, whenever the dot goes off
the screen, you get an extra point. If it hits you on the
side, you get 10 points. And if it hits smack dab in the
middle, you get 50 points and an extra 10 spaces to move.

Top-Left = High Score
Top-Right = Logo
Bottom-Left = Current Score
Bottom-Right = Spaces Left

Arrows = move (-1 space)
Enter = Pause (*This comes in handy when you can't find the dot!*)
Quit/Mode = Exit game (always saves your stats)

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