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Space Dementia v0.8

File Information
Name: Space Dementia v0.8
Filesize: 97 kB
Downloads: 2084
Date added: Dec 13, 2002
Platform: TI-89
Language: Assembly
File Type: Game
Category: Arcade
Last modified: Mar 19, 2003
TI-89 Assembly Games

Shell: none
Rating: 7.5 (Good)/10 based on 12 votes.
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Author(s): Thibaut Chevalier

File Description:  A 3D wireframe space shooter running with a real 3D engine. You are flying with a ship in a 3D space and you must avoid asteroids, and try to destroy a maximum of them with your weapons in the meantime.
This new version adds a new training mode where you fly thru circles, more settings, more ships and an external ship editior for you to create your own ships!

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Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: JcCorp Reviewed on: February 20, 2005 at 21:28:25 AM
Graphics/Interface: 9/10 Sometimes, there is a small problem... but very nice wireframes!
Playability/Usability: 9/10 Small learning curve, not too hard.
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 9/10 There are only two missions, but they are cool and there are plenty of ships to choose from!
Controls/Interface: 10/10 All in the same place, and there are two types.
Overall Value: 10/10 An extremely worthy download.
I absolutely love this game. The graphics are amazing, and it would probably be fun even without the missions. The models built-in are beautiful, and you can make your own (which I haven't yet).

However, sometimes ships look a little awkward at certain angles and movements. This is only a minor flaw, and is kind of funny...

Although it is not the final version, this is a must try.

Space Dementia Review -- By:Jacob
Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: pi_guy Reviewed on: April 17, 2003 at 23:35:50 PM
Graphics/Interface: 10/10 Awesome graphics. The wireframes instead of solid objects are not at all a drawback.
Playability/Usability: 10/10 Dodge and shoot the asteroids, to difficult? No.
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 8/10 The game is very repetitive. The only way to get somthing new is to wait for the next version... But trying to get a higher high score can be a challenge evetually, until you get an ultimately high sc
Controls/Interface: 10/10 Easy to use and understand. Need I say more.
Overall Value: 9/10 Good game. I expect to sse more from Thibaut Chevalier.
This game has really come a long way. First of all, its a real 3D engine, so its better than any game I've seen so far. With the many built in ships and external ships available you can fly your favorite ship. The training mode really doesn't "train" you but is still a good challenge. The scoring system is exceptional especially because it remembers your name, so you don't have to type it in every single time.

Final word: Great game, definitely worth the space on your calc.

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