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68k | TI-83/+/SE

Download Link View (4.9 kB)
  Rating: 9/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 642
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Program
  Category: Link
Well, right now this is just a demo of a demo for my current project Link View. I have the title screen and the file viewer screen all setup at the moment and I'm currently trying to implement getting a list of files and folders and displaying them. The second screen is transmission screen and is currently under developement. The F1 key toggles between the viewer and the trnsmission scrreens, and of course ESC exits the program. This program is compatible with AMS versions 2.0x and and works on the 68K calculators.

Download X-LinK (for Omnicalc) (20 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 176
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Link
X-LinK uses Omnicalc to connect two calculators via the I/O Link Port and determines player mode for each calc. It is a useful tool for link games and chat programs alike. The first person to execute X-LinK becomes Player 1 and therefore the other calculator will become Player 2. If no connection is made within 2 minutes (or "MODE" or "CLEAR" is pressed), results will indicate an exit from the routine or program is necessary.

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