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TI-89 RPG Games
Assembly | BASIC


Download Chrono Fantasy Beta 1 (380 kB)
  Rating: 7.8/10 (18 votes)
  Downloads: 6981
  Platform: 89
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: RPG
Awesome is all you can say after trying this game. Although it's only a Beta, it gives you a great example of what 68k is really capable of. It's really unbelievable how T3 was able to make such a complicated game running at an amazing speed. So, CF is something to get. I'm sure many will hope to get their hands on a finished CF after playing this Beta. Great achievement T3!
This is what T# says about their Chrono Fantasy:
"This game is our personnal mix between two famous games on Snes 'Chrono Trigger' and 'Final Fantasy 6'. They are both created by Squaresoft, which is very famous for its RPG. In fact, it will be the sequel of this two games. We want to create a sequel since Square has never realised a real sequel for its games."
Be sure to visit their web site to get more info about CF.
Chrono Fantasy Beta 1 is Recommended by!

Download Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (0 kB)
  Rating: 7.5/10 (11 votes)
  Downloads: 2359
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: RPG
Version 1.00 of Ultima V (currently hosted at CalcG) is buggy and has been superseded by version 1.01.

Version 1.01 of Ultima V is currently available for download at TI-Freakware and Ticalc.

A newer version of Ultima V is in work. It will contain additional bug fixes and a 40Kb reduction in RAM requirements -- which will be very helpful to Titanium users.


Download RolePlayingGame v1.2 (13 kB)
  Rating: 7.6/10 (8 votes)
  Downloads: 1790
  Platform: 89
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Game
  Category: RPG
A simple yet fun role playing game. You can choose you race, battle enemies, change regions, buy new items and spells, and change your preferences. It features 3 fully functional races, 9 different enemies in 3 different regions, and a full complement of options. It also now supports a full menu-bar for the main menu.

This text RPG is still under 10000 bytes and doesn't leave any stray variables.

It probably will be updated in the future to use graphics, but try it out now!

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