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Author Statistics For MDR_Falcon

MDR_Falcon is ranked #84 in total downloads with 7298
MDR_Falcon is ranked #26 in number of files with 9
MDR_Falcon is ranked #32 in downloads this week with 6

BASIC MapMakerTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Program317---- (2)1
Falling PixelTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game581---- (1)1
MinequestTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game227---- (1)1
MinigolfTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game705---- (0)0
Modart: Modern Art GeneratorTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Program274---- (2)0
Radix ConverterTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Program345---- (1)1
Rock Paper Scissors: XtremeTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game522---- (1)1
SketchPadTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Program473---- (3)1
Sudoku by MDR FalconTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game4355---- (2)0

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